Produk unggulan

  • According to different application environments, we can guide customers on how to install and use switches, or provide customers with suggestions on the selection according to technical requirements.According to different application environments, we can guide customers on how to install and use switches, or provide customers with suggestions on the selection according to technical requirements.

    Pitunjuk instalasi

    Numutkeun ka lingkungan aplikasi anu béda, urang tiasa ngabimbing palanggan ngeunaan cara masang sareng nganggo saklar, atanapi nyayogikeun nasabah saran ngeunaan pamilihan numutkeun sarat téknis.
  • When a product malfunctions during use, we will assist customers in analyzing the cause of the problem through telephone, email, and malfunctioning product samples. If necessary, we can send technical personnel to the customer's production site to assist in the analysis to ensure that the problem is resolved smoothly.When a product malfunctions during use, we will assist customers in analyzing the cause of the problem through telephone, email, and malfunctioning product samples. If necessary, we can send technical personnel to the customer's production site to assist in the analysis to ensure that the problem is resolved smoothly.

    analisa masalah

    Nalika produk gagal nalika dianggo, kami bakal ngabantosan pelanggan dina nganalisis panyabab masalahna ngalangkungan telepon, email, sareng sampel produk anu henteu leres. Upami diperlukeun, urang tiasa ngirim tanaga téknis ka situs produksi palanggan pikeun ngabantosan analisa pikeun mastikeun yén masalah éta direngsekeun kalayan lancar.
  • According to the customer's application environment, we can help customers make test equipment that simulates the application environment to test the selected products to ensure that the product can meet the needs of the application environment, and provide test results reports for reference.According to the customer's application environment, we can help customers make test equipment that simulates the application environment to test the selected products to ensure that the product can meet the needs of the application environment, and provide test results reports for reference.

    Sarat tés

    Numutkeun ka lingkungan aplikasi palanggan, urang tiasa ngabantosan palanggan ngadamel alat uji anu nyaruakeun lingkungan aplikasi pikeun nguji produk anu dipilih pikeun mastikeun yén produk tiasa nyumponan kabutuhan lingkungan aplikasi, sareng nyayogikeun laporan hasil tés pikeun rujukan.
  • Provide timely technical advice to assist customers in the correct installation and use of products. During the development of new products, it can assist customers in successfully completing the design and development of new products and promptly solve the questions encountered in the product application, so that the product can be more stably applied to supporting products.Provide timely technical advice to assist customers in the correct installation and use of products. During the development of new products, it can assist customers in successfully completing the design and development of new products and promptly solve the questions encountered in the product application, so that the product can be more stably applied to supporting products.

    Jasa saatos-jualan

    Nyayogikeun naséhat téknis tepat waktu pikeun ngabantosan konsumén dina pamasangan anu leres sareng panggunaan produk. Salami ngembangkeun produk énggal, éta tiasa ngabantosan palanggan dina suksés ngarengsekeun desain sareng pamekaran produk énggal sareng langsung méréskeun patarosan-patarosan anu kapendak dina aplikasi produk, supados produk tiasa langkung stabil diterapkeun pikeun produk pendukung.

Tentang Kami

  • about us

Zhejiang Lema Electric Co., Ltd.perenahna di Kota Wenzhou, Propinsi Zhejiang. Perusahaan didirikeun taun 1986 Lema komitmen ka R&D, produksi sareng penjualan saklar listrik listrik industri. Produk inti perusahaan kalebet saklar mikro sareng perjalanan (batesan) Saklar, saklar tombol push, saklar suku, saklar saklar, pelindung overload, stopkontak listrik AC. Saatos ampir 30 taun pangwangunan tetep, Lema parantos janten pabrik profesional skala mikro saklar di Cina. Perusahaan ayeuna ngaliput luas langkung tina 11,000 méter pasagi.

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